Usage and Examples for dhcputils (encode)

The DHCP Utils provides classes to assist with the encoding and decoding of DHCP options in to/from hexidecimal. The primary use case is for sub-option encoding for custom option spaces, in particular, Option 43 encoding.

Encoding Class

The bloxone.dhcp_encode() class provides a set of encode methods to enable the encoding of defined DHCP sub options and data.

To encode the specific data-types a set of type_to_hex methods are provided. These will take a specific input data=type and apply the required encoding methodology to generate a compliant hexidecimal string for


The core aim of the class is to provide a simpler interface to encode DHCP sub options defined as a dictionary and provide an encoding.

To ensure flexibility the encoding is broken down in to three methods: encode_dhcp_option(), encode_sub_option() and encode_data().

Sub-options are defined as a dictionary, with three required keys:

the sub option code
the data-type
the data to encode using the specified type

And several optional keys:

Boolean to indicate whether the data should be encoded as an array, e.g. array of IP addresses
Boolen to indicate that only the data in the sub option should be encoded. i.e. do not add the encoded option code and length

For example:

sub1 = { 'code': 1, 'type': 'string', 'data': 'ABCDEFG'}
sub2 = { 'code': 2, 'type': 'ipv4_address',
         'data': ',', 'array': True }

Since there is typically more that one sub-option required, these can be added to a list that is processed, and encoded, by the encode_dhcp_option() method:

options = [ sub1, sub2 ]

An example, with example output is shown below:

import bloxone

de = bloxone.dhcp_encode()

# Set up the sub-options
sub1 = { 'code': 1, 'type': 'string', 'data': 'ABCDEFG'}
sub2 = { 'code': 2, 'type': 'ipv4_address',
         'data': ',', 'array': True }

# Create list for option to be encoded together
options = [ sub1, sub2 ]

# Encode e.g. for Option 43
h = de.encode_dhcp_option(options)

>>> print(h)

# Show the encoding for just one sub-option

>>> print(de.encode_sub_option(sub2))

test_data = { 'code': '101', 'type': 'fqdn', 'data': '' }
hex_data = encode_data(test_data)

>>> print(de.encode_data(test_data))

Return a list of supported data types:

>>> import bloxone
>>> de = bloxone.dhcp_encode()
>>> de.opt_types
['string', 'ipv4_address', 'ipv6_address', 'boolean', 'int8', 'uint8',
 'int16', 'uint16', 'int32', 'uint32', 'fqdn', 'binary', 'empty']

Each of the supported data-types has a specific method of the format type_to_hex(). These can be directly access and typically support data both in its native format and as a string:

de.string_to_hex('Hello World')
de.int8_to_hex('22') or int8_to_hex(22)


Specific functions to return the length of the hexidecimal string in hex and encoding of the option code (basically a wrapper of int8), are also provided:

h = de.ip4_address_to_hex('')

A tests() method is also provided that will show example encodings for each data-type and option encodings:

Encoding types supported: ['string', 'ipv4_address', 'ipv6_address', 'boolean', 'int8', 'uint8', 'int16', 'uint16', 'int32', 'uint32', 'fqdn', 'binary', 'empty']

Non-array tests:
Type: string: AABBDDCCEEDD-aabbccddeeff, Encoded: 4141424244444343454544442d616162626363646465656666, Length(hex): 19
Type: ipv4_address:, Encoded: 0a0a0a0a, Length(hex): 04
Type: ipv4_address:,, Encoded: 0a0a0a0a0b0b0b0b, Length(hex): 08
Type: boolean: True, Encoded: 01, Length(hex): 01
Type: int8: 22, Encoded: 16, Length(hex): 01
Type: int8: -22, Encoded: 96, Length(hex): 01
Type: uint8: 22, Encoded: 116, Length(hex): 01
Type: int16: 33, Encoded: 0021, Length(hex): 02
Type: int16: 33, Encoded: 0021, Length(hex): 02
Type: uint16: 33, Encoded: 10021, Length(hex): 02
Type: int32: 44, Encoded: 0000002c, Length(hex): 04
Type: uint32: -44, Encoded: ffffffd4, Length(hex): 04
Type: uint32: 44, Encoded: 10000002c, Length(hex): 04
Type: fqdn:, Encoded: 0377777708696e666f626c6f7803636f6d00, Length(hex): 12
Type: binary: DEADBEEF, Encoded: deadbeef, Length(hex): 04
Type: empty: , Encoded: , Length(hex): 00
Type: ipv6_address: 2001:DB8::1, Encoded: 20010db8000000000000000000000001, Length(hex): 10
Type: ipv6_address: 2001:DB8::1,2001:DB8::2, Encoded: 20010db800000000000000000000000120010db8000000000000000000000002, Length(hex): 20

Padding test (1 byte), type string: AABBCCDD 414142424343444400
Full encoding of sample: 01194141424244444343454544442d61616262636364646565666602040a0a0a0a03080a0a0a0a0b0b0b0b040101050116