Usage and Examples for dhcputils (decode)

The DHCP Utils provides classes to assist with the encoding and decoding of DHCP options in to/from hexidecimal. The primary use case is for sub-option encoding for custom option spaces, in particular, Option 43 encoding.

Decoding Class

The bloxone.dhcp_decode() class provides a set of decode methods to attempt to decode a hexideciaml string representation of DHCP sub-options.

To decode specific data-types a set of hex_to_type methods are provided. These take a hexideciaml string representation of the data and apply the required decoding methodology and return the decoded data.

Since and encoded set of DHCP sub-options does not include the data type accurate decoding is problematic. Two mechanisms are provided to try and address this:

- It is possible to provide a known definition for the sub-options and
use the specified data types.

- Allow the class to make a best-efforts *guess* of the data_type.

In both cases a string decoding is also applied and provided back. A flag, guess is used to inform whether or not the data_type was guessed or based on a known definition.

The DHCP_OPTION_DEFS class can be utilised to extract sub-option definitions from a YAML configuration and maintain a vendor database of option definitions.


The core aim of the class is to provide a simpler interface to decode DHCP sub options and return this as a list of dictionary definitions detailing the decoding.

To ensure flexibility the decoding is broken down in to two methods: decode_dhcp_option() and decode_data().

decode_data() takes the hexideciaml string and a data_type and will apply the appropriate hex_to_type() decoding method. For example:

import bloxone
de = bloxone.dhcp_decode()
de.decode_data('0a0a0a0a', data_type='ipv4_address')
# Output: ''

# Note this can be shortened to
# de.decode_data('0a0a0a0a', data_type='ip')

decode_dhcp_option() also takes a hexidecimal string, however, in this case it will be enterpreted as an encoded set of sub-options (based on option 43 encoding). As mentioned due to the fact that this does not contain data type information, you can either provide a dictionary containing an option definition (of the same format used by the dhcp_encode() class), or let the function attempt to make a guess. In both cases the string decoding will be included in the response.

The method returns a list of decoded sub-options with a dictionary per sub option. This will be of the format:

 [ {'name': 'Undefined',
    'code': 3,
    'data': ',',
'data_length': 8,
    'data_str': '\n\n\n\n\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b',
    'guess': True,
    'type': 'array_of_ip'} ]

For simple output an output_decoded_options() method is provided.


import bloxone
de = bloxone.dhcp_decode()

# Hex string to attempt to decode
h = '01194141424244444343454544442d61616262636364646565666602040a0a0a0a' +

opt_list = de.decode_dhcp_option(h)

This will produce the output:

[{'code': 1,
'data': 'AABBDDCCEEDD-aabbccddeeff',
'data_length': 25,
'data_str': 'AABBDDCCEEDD-aabbccddeeff',
'guess': True,
'name': 'Undefined',
'type': 'string'},
{'code': 2,
'data': '',
'data_length': 4,
'data_str': '\n\n\n\n',
'guess': True,
'name': 'Undefined',
'type': 'ip'},
{'code': 3,
'data': ',',
'data_length': 8,
'data_str': '\n\n\n\n\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b',
'guess': True,
'name': 'Undefined',
'type': 'array_of_ip'},
{'code': 4,
'data': 1,
'data_length': 1,
'data_str': '\x01',
'guess': True,
'name': 'Undefined',
'type': 'int8'},
{'code': 5,
'data': 22,
'data_length': 1,
'data_str': '\x16',
'guess': True,
'name': 'Undefined',
'type': 'int8'}]

Example providing sub-option definitions using the same hex string:

# Set up the sub-option definitions
sub1 = { 'name': 'Test1', 'code': 1, 'type': 'string', 'data': ''}
sub2 = { 'name': 'Test2', 'code': 2, 'type': 'ipv4_address',
                'data': '', 'array': False }
sub3 = { 'name': 'Test3', 'code': 3, 'type': 'ipv4_address',
                'data': '', 'array': True }
sub4 = { 'name': 'Test4', 'code': 4, 'type': 'boolean' }
sub5 = { 'name': 'Test5', 'code': 5, 'type': 'int8' }

# Create list of option definitions
options = [ sub1, sub2, sub3, sub4, sub5 ]

opt_list = de.decode_dhcp_option(h, sub_opt_defs=options)

Here you can see that the name and data-types are defined from sub-option definitions:

[{'code': 1,
'data': 'AABBDDCCEEDD-aabbccddeeff',
'data_length': 25,
'data_str': 'AABBDDCCEEDD-aabbccddeeff',
'guess': False,
'name': 'Test1',
'type': 'string'},
{'code': 2,
'data': '',
'data_length': 4,
'data_str': '\n\n\n\n',
'guess': False,
'name': 'Test2',
'type': 'ipv4_address'},
{'code': 3,
'data': ',',
'data_length': 8,
'data_str': '\n\n\n\n\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b',
'guess': False,
'name': 'Test3',
'type': 'array_of_ip'},
{'code': 4,
'data': 'true',
'data_length': 1,
'data_str': '\x01',
'guess': False,
'name': 'Test4',
'type': 'boolean'},
{'code': 5,
'data': 22,
'data_length': 1,
'data_str': '\x16',
'guess': False,
'name': 'Test5',
'type': 'int8'}]

As mentioned the DHCP_OPTION_DEFS class can be utilised to access vendor DHCP Option definitions from a YAML configuration an example script and example vendor configuration file can be found as part of the dhcp_option_encoding project on GitHub.

A simple example using showing this is shown below:

h = '010c4d532d55432d436c69656e740205687474707303196570736c' +
        '796e6330312e657073696c6f6e68712e6c6f63616c040334343305' +
        '252f4365727450726f762f4365727450726f766973696f6e696e67' +
v = bloxone.DHCP_OPTION_DEFS('vendor_dict.yaml')
sub_options = v.sub_options('MS-UC-Client')

opt_list = de.decode_dhcp_option(h, sub_opt_defs=sub_options)

As with the dhcp_encode() class you can get a list of supported decoding data types using the opt_types* attribute:

>>> import bloxone
>>> de = bloxone.dhcp_decode()
>>> de.opt_types
['string', 'ip', 'array_of_ip', 'ipv4_address', 'ipv6_address', 'boolean',
'int8', 'uint8', 'int16', 'uint16', 'int32', 'uint32', 'fqdn', 'binary',

For decoding purposes the generic ip and array_of_ip types are exposed, the respective methods support both IPv4 and IPv6.

Each of the supported data-types has a specific method of the format hex_to_type(). These can be directly access and typically support data both in its native format and as a string:

# 'Hello world'
# ''
# ''
# 22


A tests() method is also provided that will show example encodings/decodings for each data-type and option encodings.