

Please ensure you have Python 3 plus the required modules as defined in the Requirements section.


This was developed under Python 3.8 but may work on earlier versions, but has not been tested. It is suggested a minimum version of 3.6, but may work with earlier versions.


Mac users will need the xcode command line utilities installed to use pip3, etc. If you need to install these use the command:

$ xcode-select --install

Installing Python

You can install the latest version of Python 3.x by downloading the appropriate installer for your system from


If you are running MacOS Catalina (or later) Python 3 comes pre-installed. Previous versions only come with Python 2.x by default and you will therefore need to install Python 3 as above or via Homebrew, Ports, etc.

By default the python command points to Python 2.x, you can check this using the command:

$ python -V

To specifically run Python 3, use the command:

$ python3


If you are installing Python on Windows, be sure to check the box to have Python added to your PATH if the installer offers such an option (it’s normally off by default).

Installing bloxone

  1. Install from PyPI

The bloxone module is available on PyPI and can simply be installed using pip/pip3:

pip3 install bloxone <--user>
  1. Intall bloxone as local package from source

If you have downloaded the source from GitHub then bloxone has been provided as an installable package using pip.

In your appropriate python3 environment you can therefore install bloxone using the pip command from the root of the sourcetree. For example:

pip3 install dist/bloxone-<version>-py3-none-any.whl --user


pip3 install dist/bloxone-<version>.tar.gz --user


Use of pip ensures module dependencies and allows for uninstallation and upgrades to be handled cleanly.

Uninstalling bloxone

You can use pip to unintsall the library. For example:

pip3 uninstall bloxone